Monday, April 16, 2012

Late Beginnings

Hey, what's up. Call me Bear. I should probably explain myself first off. I'm a young person. I don't have a degree or any formal teachings of this or any disorder, or even of any counseling or therapy or psychological services. I took a Psych 101 class once in High School, and I have access to the internet, myself, and my therapist. All my opinions, views, "advice", and descriptions are based on my knowledge from these places. Take what I write with a grain of salt because it's not going to always be 100% accurate or even anything good to say, and it may or may not relate to your personal situations, or other people's situations that you are trying to understand.

With saying that, while I don't have a copy of the DSM IV, I've read the descriptions of Borderline Personality Disorder from it on the internet, and it almost fits me to a T. Interpretations and experiences will be what makes the difference there, please understand.

Also, I only started therapy like what, two months ago maybe? And before that time I had no idea that anything was really even wrong with me. So I guess even though I'm experienced in the fact that I have had the symptoms for a long time, I am still learning about it and myself. This won't be a solution or a manual about how to live with it and move on, because I'm still neck deep in the shit that is BPD and I'm just beginning to climb back out. See this as a journey or something cliche.

This post is just a disclaimer and an introduction, for now. I'll try to write weekly posts but who knows, it may not stay that way. I'll likely end up posting whenever I feel up to it.

If you have BPD or even Bipolar Disorder, which is similar but not the same, feel free to contact me and we can talk over email or Skype or something. Something I have been told and am still even in the process of fathoming is that I am not alone. And if I'm not alone, neither are you.

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